Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, OH


  CALL:  (330) 990-5064  

Why you need spring cleanup 

Spring cleanup is an essential part of maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. After the long winter months, your yard may be littered with dead leaves, branches, and other debris. This debris can smother your grass, leading to weak and unhealthy growth. Additionally, debris can be a breeding ground for pests and disease, putting your lawn at risk.

Spring cleanup involves raking and removing all of the debris from your lawn, as well as trimming back any dead or overgrown vegetation. This allows your grass to breathe and grow, promoting healthy and lush growth throughout the growing season. Spring cleanup also helps to prevent pests and disease from taking hold in your yard, keeping your lawn healthy and strong all year long. 


Spring cleanup benefits 

Spring cleanup is an important step in maintaining the health and beauty of your lawn and landscape. Here are some benefits of spring cleanup:

Promotes healthy growth: Removing dead leaves, debris, and other winter buildup helps to create an optimal growing environment for your plants and grass.

Prevents pests and disease: Spring cleanup eliminates potential breeding grounds for pests and disease, preventing potential damage to your lawn and plants.

Improves curb appeal: A clean and tidy landscape enhances the beauty of your property, making it more attractive and appealing to visitors and passersby.

Saves time and money: Regular spring cleanup helps to avoid larger issues down the road that can require costly repairs or replacement.

Supports the environment: Proper disposal of debris and yard waste ensures that they do not end up in landfills or other areas where they can harm the environment.

  CALL:  (330) 990-5064  


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